Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hasim "The Rock" Rahman interested in competing in MMA. Open to fights with Kimbo and Fedor.

Former boxing champ Hasim "The Rock" Rahman best known for knocking out then champion Lennox Lewis as a 20 to 1 underdog may be looking to conquer a new sport. After a somewhat up and down career and a recent lost to Wladimir Klitschko, Rahman reported to that he was interested in competing in MMA.

When asked who had the best boxing skills in MMA Rahman replied "I don’t see anyone with top notch boxing skills that can come close to mine". Confident in his skills Rahman said he would be interested in fighting former street fighter and Proelite main event attraction Kimbo Slice.

He was also interested in someday competing against current WAMMA champion Fedor Emeliananko "He’s a champ. I am a champ. Let’s fight". Rahman is rumored to be in talks with various MMA organizations including some in Japan.

1 comment:

  1. Fedor would own this dude. I gurantee he's not used to being hit with a small glove.
